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Survey: Risks and Prevention of Barotrauma in Hyperbaric Facilities

Survey: Risks and Prevention of Barotrauma in Hyperbaric Facilities

‍Survey: Risks and Prevention of Barotrauma in Hyperbaric Facilities

Dear Hyperbaric Team Member,

My medical student, Isabella Wisniewska from University of Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine, is collaborating with me on a project to assess the Risks and Prevention of Barotrauma in Hyperbaric Facilities. We kindly request less than one minute of your time to complete a brief survey. Your response will be anonymous, contributing to our understanding of the prevention protocols implemented in various hyperbaric centers.

We genuinely appreciate your valuable input. Survey link is as below

Please submit your response latest by February 1, 2024.   

Thank you so much for your contributions and volunteerism!


Jayesh Shah, MD, MHA
President, South Texas Wound Associates, PA
Board of Trustees, Texas Medical Association
Past President, American College of Hyperbaric Medicine
Editor: Wound Care Certification Study Guide
Editor: The Textbook of Chronic Wound Care
Download free app: Wounddoctor on Itunes and google play 



Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society 

631 Highway 1, Suite 307
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Phone: 919-490-5140/877-533-8467; Fax: 919-490-5149
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