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UHMS Physician Diver Assessment List

It is the intent of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society to supply the public with information on physicians who have agreed to perform diver assessments. You have the right to contact each physician to request any documentation necessary to verify their status. This information is subject to change.

Diving Medical Examiner

(DMAC Level I)

Specializes in commercial, sport, scientific, and other related public service divers to determine their fitness to dive

The physicians on this list have been trained to examine commercial, sport, scientific, and other related public service divers, and determine their fitness to dive and have been provided information necessary to perform fitness to dive examinations and have successfully completed the prescribed course of study and examination for an advanced level certification as a "Diving Medical Examiner" by UHMS.

Diving Medical Physician

(DMAC Level 2D)

Specializes in recognizing and treating diving medical emergencies

The physicians on this list are trained in recognizing and treating diving medical emergencies and have successfully completed the prescribed course of study and examination for an advanced level certification as a "Diving Medical Physician" by the UHMS.


(North America Only)

Recreational / free diving medical assessments

The physicians on this list have been either trained in diving medicine and/or are Boarded in Undersea Medicine and can assess a diver for recreational scuba diving and freediving.

Diving Medical Examiner Lists (DMAC Level I)

Medical Examiner of Divers

Medical Assessment of Fitness to Dive Physicians List (non-UHMS)

(DMAC) Other Level 1