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Associate Council Charter

Name of Committee: Associate Council
Date of last revision: 10/03/2020

Purpose (Summary)

The representing body of the UHMS Associate membership shall be the Associate Council (hereinafter referred to as the AC). The role and purpose of the AC is to advocate and represent the Associate Members on the UHMS Board and in the various committees (as assigned). Each duly elected Associate Representative is charged with advancing the professionalism, knowledge, and skills of the associate community in accordance with the overall mission of the UHMS and the field of hyperbaric & diving medicine. The AC shall provide a forum of communication among the individuals and groups; develop and support ongoing education; and work collaboratively within the UHMS and outside the UHMS, both domestically and internationally to achieve that mission.


Elected Associate Positions

The UHMS Associates shall nominate and elect volunteer representatives for the Associate Council and UHMS Board. The Elected Associate Positions will represent the Executive Council and shall meet separately of the full AC including stakeholder liaisons. Each alternating year, the Associate membership shall elect one (1) qualified Technician or Nurse representative to the “Elect” position. Each elected Tech/Nurse representative shall serve for a total of six (6) years on the AC and four (4) years on the UHMS Board. Separately, the membership shall nominate, and the AC shall elect from the nominees a Secretary for 2 years & also separately a Communications Associate for a 2-years. All elected Associate Council positions will be required to sign a Non- Disclosure Agreement. The AC shall consist of the following representatives:

  • 1 Associate Technician Elect 2 years
  • 1 Associate Nurse (RN) Elect 2 years
  • 1 Associate Technician – 2 years - Voting UHMS Board Member
  • 1 Associate Nurse (RN) – 2 years - Voting UHMS Board Member
  • 1 Associate Technician Past - 2 years - Non-Voting UHMS Board
  • 1 Associate Nurse (RN) Past - 2 years - Non-Voting UHMS Board
  • Secretary - 2 years
  • Communications Associate – 2 years

Elected Position Qualifications

  • Each nominee/Elected Associate must be a current member of the UHMS and in Good Standing
  • They must be willing to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the volunteer position in accordance with the By Laws/policies of the UHMS and the charter of the AC Council.
  • Associate Technicians/Nurses must be currently hyperbaric certified by a UHMS recognized certifying body
  • They must maintain their certification during their tenure on the UHMS Board and AC
  • The Associate Nurse Representative may only be a Registered Nurse (RN) or above
  • The Associate Technician cannot be a RN at the time of nomination.

Stakeholder Liaison Position Qualifications

  • Each Stakeholder Liaison must be a current Associate Member of the UHMS and in Good Standing
  • They must be willing to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the volunteer position
  • Associate Technicians/Nurses must be currently hyperbaric certified by the UHMS recognized certifying body they are representing
  • They must maintain their certification during their tenure on the AC

Nominations & Elections

  • Reference UHMS By Laws for election process
  • If an elected Associate is unable to fulfill the duties of the elected position, either by choice, participation issues, or other, the AC may appoint the next nominee ranked according to the votes. If no Nominee is available, then the AC may appoint an Associate Member to fill the vacancy as per the UHMS Constitution & By
  • All appointees must be approved by the UHMS President.

Meeting schedule (regular date, time, place)

  • Monthly (excluding December) Conference Call
    • 2nd Thursday of the month
    • Time: 4pm PST, 5pm MST, 6pm CST, 7pm
    • Call duration 90 minutes
  • Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM)
    • Associate Council Meeting
    • Associate Membership Meeting
    • UHMS Board Meeting
  • UHMS Board Meetings Quarterly – Conference Call
  • Associate Conference Calls/Meetings may be changed, cancelled, and/or added, as approved by a simple majority of the AC

Associate Representative Chairperson

  • Shall be the Representative Tech/Nurse in their 2nd Year as a Voting Board Member
    • Communicate and represent the Associates with Executive Director and UHMS President
    • May invite any individual to report or join in discussion at a specific meeting of the Associate Council
    • Coordinate and facilitate the Associate Council meetings

Meeting Protocols

  • AC Meeting Agenda
    • Secretary shall put the meeting agenda together based upon input from the AC members and past outstanding agenda items
    • Agenda topics must be sent to the Secretary no later than ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting
    • Final Agenda will be sent by the Associate Lead Representative to the AC members at least 3 days prior to scheduled meeting
    • Posted in the Associate Drop Box
  • AC & Associate Meeting Notes
    • Taken by the Secretary (or designee when Secretary is unable to attend)
    • Meeting Minutes draft will be posted to the Drop Box within one (1) week of meeting
    • AC members may review draft minutes and contact Secretary if edits need to be done
  • Use Sturgis Rules of Order (UHMS) (as appropriate)
    • To Consider and approve a Motion:
      • Motions must be made by a member
      • Another member must 2nd the motion for it to be voted on by the members
      • Must have a quorum of AC members (minimum 4) to vote
      • A simple majority can pass a motion


  • Committee Assignments:
    • As indicated in the Associate Operations  Manual


  • As set forth in the UHMS Constitution & By-Laws


  • Participation
    • Meeting attendance/participation requirement = 70%Other as set forth in the Constitution & By-Laws
    • Cannot miss three (3) consecutive meetings (Note: ASM counts as one meeting)
    • If a member is unable to perform in their role and responsibilities as set forth above, the AC may meet to review and determine whether the associate council member is able to continue to fulfill their role. The outcome of the review will be reported to the UHMS Board for final disposition
  • Move up position
    • Should a Regular RN or Tech position become vacant, the corresponding RN/Tech Elect member shall move into the regular position and hold it for the duration of the vacated position plus 2 years
  • Certification and UHMS membership required
    • If either expires while they are on the board, they shall not be eligible to maintain their elected position and shall forfeit their elected position
  • Other as set forth in the Constitution & By-Laws

Associate Operations Manual

  • Guide for Associate Council Members
  • Duties of each elected position

Associate Council Charter

  • This is Living Document. The intent should be to review the AC Charter at least annually. Changes can be made as needed with the majority vote of the Associates’ Council and the UHMS Board of Directors.