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Call for Abstracts (2024)

If you have any issues with your submission, please download the form at the following link, fill it out, email it to along with a WORD doc of your abstract.  Click here for the form


Presenter Information

Please list the author who will be presenting the abstract if accepted.
Everything marked with a (*) is required.
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Abstract Information

All abstract submissions for presentation at the UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting constitutes consent by the author(s) for the UHMS to use the materials submitted in whole or part as it sees fit.  All abstracts and oral presentations (including PowerPoint slides) accepted by the UHMS Scientific Program Committee for presentation may be subsequently used and/or published by the Society in various electronic media at the discretion of the UHMS.  Once accepted, no abstract or oral presentation may be withdrawn or excluded from being subject to this agreement.


All abstracts are to be written in English. The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to alter abstracts where the English structure makes comprehension difficult.

ABSTRACT BODY FORMATPlease note that the abstract format described below must be followed strictly or it will not be considered for this meeting.

  • Must be 300 words or less, exclusive of title, author(s) names, and institutional affiliation(s).
  • Only text and text tables will be accepted. No references, graphs or images may be submitted. References, graphs and images may be included on your poster submission.
  • All abstracts, except for Case Reports (see below) should include the following sections – please use these exact terms for uniformity:
    • Introduction / Background
    • Materials and Methods
    • Results
    • Summary / Conclusions.
  • Case Reports should include the following sections – please use these exact terms for uniformity
    • Case Description
    • Intervention
    • Outcome
    • Discussion

Topics For Presentation 

You will need to choose the category that best fits your abstract. The committee reserves the right to re-assign categories as needed to even out the program.

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You have used a total of 0 of the 300 words allowed for the below 4 fields.  Please note that the abstract format described below must be followed strictly or it will not be considered for this meeting.

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Please attach either a .doc or .docx file.


This question must be relevant to your abstract and follow the specific format listed below.

1. Question should be specific to your abstract.
2. Answer options should be listed as a, b, c, d
3. Correct answer should be listed under the answer options in the following format (e.g. Correct Answer: c. 86%)
4. If numerical values are used in the answer options, they should be listed in ascending order (e.g. a. 10, b. 20, c. 30, d. 40)
5. The answer options that are not the correct answer should be relevant to the material and able to be ruled out based on the content of the abstract.


What percentage of BIMA participants completed all 40 chamber sessions in the sham group?

a. 81%
b. 83%
c. 86%
d. 91%
Correct Answer: c. 86%


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A CME provider must ensure that the following decisions were made free of the control of a ineligible company. (a) Identification of CME needs;  (b) Determination of educational objectives; (c) Selection and presentation of content; (d) Selection of all persons and organizations that will be in a position to control the content of the CME; I Selection of educational methods; (f) Evaluation of the activity. An individual must disclose to learners any relevant financial relationship(s), to include the following information: The name of the individual; The name of the ineligible company(ies); The nature of the relationship the person has with each ineligible company. The use of employees of ACCME-defined ineligible company(ies) as faculty and planners or in other roles where they are in a position to control the content of accredited CME is prohibited, except and only in the case that the content of the CME activity is not related to the business lines or products of their employer and is reviewed and resolved.

Financial Relationship

As a prospective planner or faculty member, we would like to ask for your help in protecting our learning environment from industry influence. Please complete the form below.

The ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence require that we disqualify individuals who refuse to provide this information from involvement in the planning and implementation of accredited continuing education. Thank you for your diligence and assistance. If you have questions, please contact us at 919-490-5140 x102.

To be Completed by Planner, Faculty, or Others Who May Control Educational Content:
Please disclose all financial relationships that you have had in the past 24 months with ineligible companies (see definition below).
For each financial relationship, enter the name of the ineligible company and the nature of the financial relationship(s). There is no minimum financial threshold; we ask that you disclose all financial relationships, regardless of the amount, with ineligible companies. You should disclose all financial relationships regardless of the potential relevance of each relationship to the education.

If you have nothing to disclose, please skip this section.

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If you answered yes above, please identified the name of the ineligible company.  If more than 5, list any additionals with all three questions answered in the addiitional ineligible list box. This must be disclosed to participants prior to the start of the activity.

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Please read and place a checkmark next to the following guidelines to indicate your understanding and willingness to comply with each statement. If you have any questions regarding your ability to comply, please contact the activity coordinator as soon as possible.

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Abstract acceptance is at the full discretion of the UHMS Scientific Program Committee.  Also at the discretion of the UHMS Scientific Program Committee, presenters may be invited to present their abstract orally.


All abstracts submissions for presentation at the UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting constitutes consent by the author(s) for the UHMS to use the materials submitted in whole or part as it sees fit.  All abstracts and oral presentations (including PowerPoint slides) accepted by the UHMS Scientific Program Committee for presentation may be subsequently used and/or published by the Society in various electronic media at the discretion of the UHMS.  Once accepted, no abstract or oral presentation may be withdrawn or excluded from being subject to this agreement.



I have carefully read and considered each item in this form and have completed it to the best of my ability and understand my disclosure obligations as outlined above.
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